
It looks like the postmodernists got what they wanted after all—they kidnapped Santa Claus. As such, all presents have been replaced with tickets to four-hour productions of Waiting for Godot or postmodernist books.

However, it looks like Samuel Beckett was pretty careless, and left a lot of clues that you can use to track him down!

Will you help save the winter holidays for millions of children, who are crying at the first page of Finnegans Wake?

Here are the clues we've found so far:

  1. Famous Songs
  2. Mystery Maze ✔️ (UKSINGLESCHART)
  3. Phylogenetics ✔️ (DISPATCHED)
  4. A Map Mystery
  5. Fun Facts From The Zoo
  6. Partial Reads ✔️ (NEWTYPE)
  7. Chemistry 76642 ✔️ (DONKEYKONG)